Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This month has been OUT of Control!

Out of Control - FAST - Too little days in February, this session has left Girl's Group unable to complete our dance routine. So we are crafting another time to meet up and get it done. What dedication these girls have!

Out of Control - Fun - The 'How to be Assertive' skits had everyone busting-up laughing, and getting good practice in avoiding pressure lines and other unsafe situations.

Out of Control - Frustrating - Winter madness is kicking in with many of the girls - we need the spring! Class was more difficult to keep on track this month, but that ensures we volunteers and teachers continue to think more creatively about how to get the girls to focus and how to motivate them. One of the ways we utilized was to get the girls to TEACH each other by doing group presentations on STD/Is.

Out of Control Fascinating - Learning personal stories and seeing personal growth. One girl shared very personal information about her family during the Health and Sexuality class. Her classmates were interested and willing to hear her story, at a time when jokes can come all too easily, she received genuine support from her peers. Success!Thanks to all the Girls for their participation - it makes the classes very rich!

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