Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What do you with ten 6-year-old girls?

Sometimes in Sports and Adventure it's better to stay inside and Monsters, Inc. proved to be an excellent movie for the girls to watch one day.

Remember when you were little and were afraid there were monsters under your bed or in the closet?

That's the main story behind the movie, but life lessons were woven throughout the plot. For example, there are scarier things than monsters, that monsters have feelings too, meanness is worse than getting scared, and it's not nice to scare people.

One of the girls noted that the movie title was similar to Girls, Inc. (and there may be some instructors who feel like Girls, Inc. *is* Monsters, Inc. on some days). Just kidding!

Of course, it's hard to hold the interest of all 6-year olds for two hours, so those that tired of the movie drew pictures in their journals they had made earlier in the class.

The playground in Paco Sanchez Park is only two blocks from Girls, Inc. and the girls love the jungle bars, slide, and swings. It's a good place for them to work off some energy.

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