Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is the last week of sessions for the school year - on to summer - FINALLY! However, I am going to miss the middle school girls a lot. I have found myself not only immersed in all the 2010 Teen-lingo but also adapting to it!!!

I have never heard so many OMGs in my life: "OMG, Miss, (that's me) what are we going to do today?", "OMG, there's a cute boy outside!", " OMG where is my phone?"

I have heard this saying so many times this past school year that now my husband and I are both spilling out the phrase at HOME: "OMG, Miss, what is for dinner?", "OMG, the water bill is here!"All of this reminds me of the little ditties we use to say or write in notes when I was in middle school (no texting in the 80s-90's), BFF, LYLAS, ttyl, LongerLetterLater, SorrySoShort! Cya, -kk, xoxoxoxox.

For all the important topics and conversations our classes have had about sexuality, racism, sexism, banking, free trade, volunteering, homelessness, and teamwork, I have had just as many laughs and current education of hip-lingo, cool songs, the hottest singers and fashion - it is keeping me connected to the girls and feeling young.

Thank you, Girls, for a wonderfully valuable year!

OMG, have a Kick-butt summer-K.