Monday, April 13, 2009


We’re in the middle of the last session of the year. Sadness! Fortunately, it’s also one of the most fun since it’s about sports. Last week the 3rd graders, Ms. Jessica and I learned some basic stretches, as well as exercises like the crab walk and something that had “worm” in the name; but alas it didn’t actually involving doing the Worm.

I must say the stretching was definitely my favorite part. After a day sitting at a computer, getting a chance to sprawl out on the floor and stretch was a perfect way to start and end a Girls Inc. session.

This Monday we took things to the gym where the girls participated in workout stations and honed their throwing and catching skills. Tennis balls were everywhere, but as a former softball player I was happy to see the girls giving their arms a workout. The best part though was a game Ms. Jessie put together at the end where the 3rd and 4th graders competed by racing around the gym relay-style trying to catch up with a girl from the other team. I think of it as extreme duck-duck-goose. It was a blast to cheer the girls on and watch how fast some of them can run!

I am loving the warmer weather (when it’s not snowing of course) and having a chance to do a different sports class this time around. Last year, I was in Ms. Lauren’s 5th/6th grade class, and I spent most of my days getting kicked and punched in a punching bag which I was asked to hold as the girls learned self-defense (an incredibly beneficial skill for the girls, but not always the most fun for the instructor!). I admit that this year working with the 3rd graders is significantly more fun… and notably less painful.